Mix Tricks: youtube.com/playlist?list…
Mastering & Loudness: youtube.com/playlist?list…
Hardware vs Plugins: youtube.com/playlist?list…
Front Panel & Menus: 1:58
Pop Mix: 9:37
Rock Mix: 14:31
EDM Mix: 19:24
Electro Pop Mix: 23:20
Drums: 26:00
Final Thoughts Review: 30:34
Mix & Mastering Inquiries: inforockstarstudio@gmail.com
In this clip David reviews the Bettermaker Mastering Limiter,
digitally controlled harware analog mastering limiter, the first unit of this kind, an incredible tool for mastering, high end, mastering limiter and clipper, with LCD display, precision control and recalls.
Font panel, functions, audio demo on different genres, electro,
pop, rock, drums.
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