I Made My First Beat On A MacBook.. Fl Studio Cookup
So I finally gave in and bought a MacBook and MAN its a beast. 48 GB RAM. Apple M4 Chip....
So I finally gave in and bought a MacBook and MAN its a beast. 48 GB RAM. Apple M4 Chip....
Today was gloomy so I felt like making a Guitar beat today! Hope y'all enjoy man! I Made A Guitar...
As producers we tend to overthink instead of trusting our ears and going through with our ideas!! Stop overthinking the...
Today I woke up ready to go CRAZY on Fl with some trap vibes. Got a little inspiration from mixtape...
Today I just wanted to let my fellow musicians know to never give up.. And the moment you think you...
The story of Ant Chamberlain Follow Producer Spotlight: https://www.instagram.com/producedspotlight https://twitter.com/prodspotlight Order A Producer Spotlight T-Shirt! https://producedspotlight.myshopify.com Shoutout to Fdotbee for...