How To Get Beat Placements in Television + TikTok Exposed (MEC 188)
Getting beat and song placements in television and film takes a certain skillset and process different from making and selling ...
Getting beat and song placements in television and film takes a certain skillset and process different from making and selling ...
If you make beats, will you be replaced by artificial intelligence in the near future? Will beats be automatically generated ...
Apparently I hate loopmakers, in spite of being a long-time creator of loops and samples. However, many new loopmakers are ...
How to sell beats AND get your splits and royalties: This is unfortunately something many producers struggle with and MANY ...
Selling exclusives beats became a hot topic after Beatstars posted a tweet asking how much exclusive beats should cost. We ...
Your beats are getting stolen and apparently many artists and producers think this is a good thing. When Grammy-winning producer ...
If you sell make and sell beats (or are a musician period), watch out for more scams coming soon via ...
How to sell beats: Do cheap beat deals mess up sales for other producers? How much should your beats cost ...
How to sell beats in 2023: Use these three underrated tools to increase your beat sales on Beatstars. These three ...
Wondering how to sell beats with email marketing? Learn why your current beat selling emails aren't working and try using ...
How to sell beats: This second part shows BusyWorks explaining how to make beats with intention so they sell better, ...
How to sell beats: An explanation by Busyworks, which includes using YouTube's new research tools for type beats keywords, producer ...
Want to make beats that are more interesting and unique? Watch what this producer does-- he flips samples that would ...
If you're selling beats online, you might want to consider adding hooks to some of your tracks. Here's a guide ...
If you sell beats online, you may be losing money with a beat sales problem you don't even know exists. ...