Why I Left Producergrind
This beatmaker left Producergrind and explains why: @tbdigital_ after getting hired by Dylan from Producergrind, created and sold drum kits, ...
This beatmaker left Producergrind and explains why: @tbdigital_ after getting hired by Dylan from Producergrind, created and sold drum kits, ...
This producer explains why he quit Producergrind after Cymatics bought the company, explains his regrets about sound design/drum kit selling, ...
Making beats with a click of a button might sound interesting, but who is getting paid and who is getting ...
This beat generated millions of dollars, so why did the producer turn down a 7 figure advance and why does ...
Is making beats too hard? Timbaland's new partner, the CEO of Suno, thinks so. But Timbaland also believes that music ...
Beatmakers/music producers aren't getting credit for songs that use their beats. Recently, the viral hit song "Tweaker" didn't include producer ...
This producer is BROKE and has exposed his monthly earnings from making beats and producing songs for artists in LA. ...
Are these beatmakers "extorting" a rapper for a beat? DDG and Plaqueboymax claim two producers are extorting them for a ...
10 producers haven't been paid for their beats on the last two Vultures albums and now Kanye's songwriter, Victory Boyd, ...
If you sell beats online or in person, do you know how to properly negotiate so you're not asking for ...
I made $30,000 from one beat. I wasn't selling beats online or leasing beats when I did this; I was ...
Making beats with Splice samples? This lawyer says you won't get placements that way, but that you should remake Splice ...
This is why type beats, YouTube beat searches and the online beat selling community has unfortunately suffered a loss of ...
"I made a beat and it became two hit songs, but another producer got the credit." Listen to how the ...
Why do beats made in 10 minutes become hits? Why do simple beats get picked by artists but complex and ...
If you make beats, would you sign to another producer to sell more beats and get placements? It might be ...
Making beats with loops can be scary-- are the loops original? Have you figured out the splits? Do the loopmakers ...
Old producers need to stop making beats, nobody wants those boom bap, soul-sample, 90s sounding tracks, right? Let's talk about ...
The beat selling marketplace is saturated-- should producers just stop trying? We discuss this narrative, Taz Taylor's response to it ...
If you make beats and you're older than 19, give up. I said that in my last video, and it ...
This beat became a hit song that generated millions of dollars and went diamond. But it only took 10 minutes ...
Old beatmakers don't respect young beatmakers, or is it the other way around? After EMRLD's anti-soul sample comments and the ...
No real producer makes beats with loops-- so when this famous producer was caught using Splice loops for his album, ...
Sell your beats-- don't give them away for free? Well, not exactly. Different situations require different fees, splits and negotiation ...
Sonny Digital is selling beats for $300 and people are STILL saying beats are too expensive? Whether selling beats online ...
Go from making beats to producing full songs-- Metro Boomin explains how he made this transition and we respond, offering ...
Producers are terrified of lawyers, but sample clearance lawsuits and bad production deals are far scarier. Entertainment attorney @TopMusicAttorney joins ...
The producers who made beats for Vultures 1 and 2 have not been paid, and apparently it's because of Kanye. ...
Sell more beats, save time and money and build your online beat selling business with these 8 methods/habits. 00:00 - ...
Sell more beats, save time and money and build your online beat selling business with these 8 methods/habits. 00:00 - ...