Selling beats online and “type beats” are connected, but can selling and buying type beats get you sued as K.E. on the Track claims? Let’s break this down. And let’s talk an actual lawsuit between Chance the Rapper and his former manager Pat– what went wrong and what could have prevented it all?
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00:00 – Intro
02:29 – Chance the Rapper’s Lawsuit
07:53 – Managers Always Get Blamed
10:18 – Why Managers Deserve More Respect
12:40 – The Media Makes it Worse
14:07 – Chance the Rapper’s Contract Wasn’t in Writing?!
16:35 – What Pat the Manager Did Wrong
17:39 – Funk Volume Had the Same Problems
19:59 – What REALLY Happend With Chance?!
23:24 – Untold Hopsin/Dame Conflict Story
28:41 – Type Beats Will Get You Sued?
29:16 – K.E. On The Track is Lying To You
32:01 – WTF is a Platinum Type Beat?!
32:44 – Hating on Type Beats to Sell Type Beats– What?!
34:45 – YouTube and Google Don’t Care About Producers
36:36 – Dame Doesn’t Get K.E.
38:13 – Why Do Immoral People Win in the Music Business?