We met up with Brandon Wilkins and Shannon Moore from VSL and they demonstrated the Vienna MIR Pro 3D, a holistic mixing and reverberation application that uses multi-impulse responses to create realistic spaces for all instruments. The application makes the workflow intuitive and easy for users to use, providing super realistic placement of everything in the room. MIR Pro 3D allows users to work alongside Dolby Atmos and Aurora 3D. Additionally, GPU Audio provides extra processing power through the graphics card, offsetting the CPU’s load, allowing the user to use MIR Pro 3D flawlessly.
More info on Vienna MIR Pro 3D can be found on their website. You can also visit GPU Audio to find out more about their products and how they can help with audio production. The website also offers a 10% discount for signing up, which will inform you when the release date is out.
Available soon. Price: TBC
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