Enter for your chance to win a set of FX80 Studio Monitors here: producelikeapro.com/blog/stud…
Get the Fluid Audio FX80 Monitors here: fluidaudio.com/fx80.html
Today we’re going to be trying out the FX80 Monitors by Fluid Audio! I met the guys at Fluid Audio back in January at NAMM, and we’ve finally got a pair to try out! They have been kind enough to send us a pair to give away as well! Entre the giveaway below for your chance to win!
These retail for about $498 for the pair! Before we even opened the box I read a bunch of FX80 reviews to get more of an idea about these speakers! I’m very excited to hear them!
Introducing our new FX series of coaxial studio monitors.
Improving on our successful FX8, we now introduce the FX80.
We have taken users feedback and improved on all points.
We will claim this is the best sounding studio monitor below $250
New, contoured baffle enclosure design
Keeping true to the original “keyhole” design, the FX enclosure has been updated with a complex radius front baffle, which not only looks pretty cool, it improves cabinet defraction.
Coaxial driver
Mounted in the center of the woofer is a 30mm silk dome tweeter in a coaxial configuration. Using this technology (unique in its price range) makes it a “point source” device, meaning that all the sound emanates from a single point – not points that are 10″ apart. This is crucial for improving off-axis response, but also allows for a more compact footprint cabinet.
Boundary compensation DIP switches
Sometimes the spaces where we mix aren’t the most forgiving acoustically
(especially if you’re in a home studio).
The FX series monitors come equipped with boundary control EQ switches, that allow you to compensate for spaces that may not have been “tuned” or just need to be adjusted due to their proximity to the wall behind them. There is also a guide conveniently printed on the rear panel to show how the DIP switches work, and a more detailed explanation in the user guide.
My Favorite Plugins:
Waves MV2: waves.7eer.net/c/1205870/2868…
Waves RBass: waves.7eer.net/c/1205870/2868…
Renaissance Vox: waves.7eer.net/c/1205870/2868…
Renaissance Compressor: waves.7eer.net/c/1205870/2868…
Warren Huart IR Pack lancasteraudio.com/shop/ir-pa…
Warren Huart Kemper Pack lancasteraudio.com/shop/kempe…
Stealth Sonics: stealthsonics.com/?aff=3
UK Sound 1173: vintageking.com/uk-sound-1173…
Apollo x16: u.audio/apollox16-plap
Apollo Twin: u.audio/apollotwin-plap
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