– Download our free mixtape!
What’s up!
I’m a little late, but as promised I’m sending you the download link for the new free Anno Domini Nation Mixtape and some updates about the Black Friday launch.
You can download the free Anno Domini Nation Vol.1 mixtape featuring Ill Bill, Crooked I, Chino XL, Celph-Titled, Bizarre, DJ Waxwork of the Snowgooons, Capitole D, Dubie, J.Reno, Cryptic Wisdom and many more here:
You won’t believe what happened after my last video:
After hitting the “send button” on Friday my server almost blew up. So first of all, sorry if you weren’t able to download the 10 free beats. Things are starting to get a little out of hand over here. We had 1,876 people visit the website at the exact same time!
That was way too many people trying to download the package simultaneously and our server decided to go into forced labor.
Anyway – This leads me to my next topic…
I’ve never really shared the story of how Anno Domini Beats started. When I look at our community of 120,000+ artists today, it feels a bit unreal to go back in time to where it all started. I know that some producers like to brag about their success…
…but what many people don’t know is that it all came from very humble beginnings.
A lot of people keep asking me about my story, so I thought I’d go ahead and record a quick video about it:
I think after 10 years of being in the industry it’s okay to share these things. Although, I have to admit that it freaks me out a bit knowing that some very well-known artists are on our subscriber list and might read this message. I mean, would you tell Rick Ross or Snoop Dogg how much you struggled selling your first beat? Haha…
The third thing I wanted to talk about is: BLACK FRIDAY!
As I announced in my last email, something really big is going down on Black Friday. In fact, it’s so big that over 80 producers have joined me to bring you this.
So, let me finally confirm all the rumours:
I’m giving away a huge beat package with untagged and commercially licensed beats on Black Friday (it’s the biggest beat collection I’ve ever released…). To be more specific, I’m giving away 1 Gigabyte worth of beats to a select few artists only.
I understand that this is not for everyone (and it shouldn’t be…).
But this Friday, 28th of November, I’m giving a hand-full of artists the opportunity to raise their hand and get my best beats with commercial rights.
There you have it. I just let the cat out of the bag…
Talk soon
P.S. Once again please promise me to keep this under wraps until Friday! I don’t want everyone to know about this.
Some producers have already broken their word by leaking information on their Facebook pages. It seems hard to keep everything under control at this point… No idea how it got THIS big. Thank YOU anyway for keeping it quiet so far!