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More videos like Korg ARP 2600 M Demo — Daniel Fisher
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Daniel Fisher, Sweetwater’s curator of cables, gives a tour of the Limited Edition version of the Korg ARP 2600 M. Combining the massive sound-shaping capabilities of modular patch-point architecture with the immediacy and user-friendliness of normalled signal paths, the original semi-modular 2600 delivered the perfect blend of power, portability, and ease of use. Korg’s ARP 2600 M is the most iconic synth available for modern musicians, fortified with all the sonic firepower of this synth legend — including spring reverb and a built-in speaker — along with modern features such as silky-smooth sliders, improved attack and release time ratios, and plug-and-play USB/MIDI connectivity. And at 60% of the original size, it’s is even more gig-ready than its venerable progenitor. The 2600 M ships with a dedicated protective case and a free music software bundle, with a limited-edition model including a Korg microKEY-37 MIDI controller, for everything you need right out of the box. Check it out!
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0:00 – Intro ARP 2600 M Performance
0:48 – 2600 M Ltd. Accessories
1:33 – ARP 2600 M Overview
2:30 – Three Analog Oscillators
3:00 – Preamp and Envelope Follower
3:26 – Lag Processor + Sample/Hold
3:44 – Built-In Reverb
4:10 – Playing one Oscillator
4:56 – 5-Pin DIN and USB MIDI
5:07 – Mixer and Filter
5:27 – Accessing Different Waveshapes
7:01 – Two Envelope Types
7:24 – Ring Modulation
7:59 – Filter Sweeps and Resonance
8:06 – Reverb
8:39 – 2600 M with Arturia Key Step Pro
10:52 – 2600 M + Korg SQ-64 and Electribe
15:57 – ARP 2600 M Wrap Up
16:27 – Thanks for Watching!
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