Rapidly building your fanbase from scratch and understanding how to effectively promote your music is essential to ever having any success with your music, but that’s just the start. Growing your music brand through correctly marketing your music is impossible without first developing habits and a routine that will empower you to experience those achievements. Mental fog and lack of clarity leads to having low confidence and without confidence and clarity we find ourselves feeling completely lost and stuck with no real idea of how to change either. Last years challenge changed so many peoples lives, but it also showed me how much better it could be. How many more people it could help on a deeper level with more support. This video is special to me because I know that anyone who makes the decision to go all in on it will see a massive transformation in their life and will discover a heightened sense of focus and confidence in their pursuit of having a career in music. Let’s do this #20DAYSOFFOCUS Challenge together and show the world what we can do in 20 days!
JOIN THE #20DAYSOFFOCUS Challenge Here: 20daysoffocus.com
Learn more at adamivy.com
Let’s get to work!