Attic Chronicles 11/26/21…Last time I checked in with you guys, I was flying on the back of a Kenny Beats-esque demigod through the glass roof of the Temple of 808s. The following moments were definitely a blur, but when I found myself able to see again, we were overlooking this vast golden cityscape.
From a bird’s eye view, I could see that the buildings were all arranged in a specific way. These massive shapes that on the ground appeared like skyscrapers, from up here looked like keys of a piano, alternating white and yellow gold. And they were moving as though some gigantic, invisible hand was playing them. Some keys would lower and others would rise back up, like a pneumatic player piano. I couldn’t make out the chords themselves, but it was advanced. Probably jazz.
“What does it mean?” I asked the demigod.
“It means it’s already written,” he replied.
“I’m not sure I understand. What’s written?”
“Who’s playing the keys?”
“Exactly who you think.”
If I was following correctly, the demigod seemed to be implying that these invisible hands belonged to God. And what we were witnessing was God playing out the entire universe in real time.
“Does that mean–”
My whole life —past, present, and future— was somehow just a small part of this tapestry being woven by God’s hands on this piano. Nothing I aspired to, nothing I planned, nothing I wanted out of life was really my own doing, I realized.
At first I was struck by the beauty of this fact. Then it started to bother me. I felt useless, just a cog in the machine of what? Some shitty, meaningless jazz piano solo? That sounds so fucking stupid, and I actually really enjoyed La La Land. Why would I even try anything in life if I was already a part of someone else’s plan? Why would I try to make music myself? Why would I go up to Kenny’s attic in the first place and eat all of the insulation in the walls? I looked at the cat on my shoulder in desperation, but it offered me no sign of acknowledgment. Its hair was being pulled back violently by the wind. I sighed.
But wait, I thought. I can do something about this. If I’m here flying above the piano keys of reality, that means theoretically I can affect how it all plays out. All I’d have to do is get down there somehow and step on one of the keys. Then I’d be the only person to ever change the outcome of the universe….Hmm. I started to get excited. That’ll show God, I thought. Fuck his whole shit up. Whatever song he thinks he’s playing right now, I just need to play one note on the giant piano to throw it all off and redirect the nature of all existence. Maybe my ex-girlfriend Shayna would finally take me back. Maybe she’d admit it was a mistake to cheat on me in the first place with that guy from the Discord. I looked at my cat again. This time, it smiled back. We must have both been thinking the same thing.
TWITTER: @_babytron
IG: @babytron__
The Cave is a bi-weekly freestyle series hosted by Kenny Beats featuring a new artist each episode. One 10 minute beat from Kenny, 16-32 bars from a friend, every other week.
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Shot & Edited by @sirasounds
Animations by @sirasounds + @drewpulig