“I’m so sorry,” I blurted out.
“For what?” said the 6’7” figure staring back at me.
“Staying in the attic,” I said. “The hiding, the lying. Eating all of the insulation in the attic walls. I just really love The Cave YouTube series.”
He blinked, then responded “Bro… what the fuck are you talking about?”
I rushed to explain myself. “Kenny, I never meant to be there for that long, I just found a life in there that I never knew was possible.”
He blinked again.
“Who the fuck is Kenny?” he asked, genuinely confused.
Now I was confused.
“…Who are you?” I asked, dumbfounded.
He leaned in toward me and smiled.
“Have you ever prayed for inspiration?”
“Well, I am the one you prayed to. Every artist that has ever made anything classic or iconic? I blessed them with that spark. Pablo Picasso. Leonardo Da Vinci. Tisakorean. They asked and I answered.”
I couldn’t believe it. Standing before me was some kind of demigod.
“Come with me,” he said. “Jump on my back.”
“What?” I said. “You’re joking.”
“Yeah I’m joking, weirdo. You’re a grown ass man. I’m not giving you a piggyback ride.”
“Oh, okay. Is there a car or something?”
“No, I was actually joking just a second ago. You are gonna need to actually get on my back. There’s really no other way.”
“Wait what? Are you serious?”
“Yes. This time.”
He looked serious enough. He waved me over. So I climbed up on his back and wrapped my arms around him.
“Hold on tight,” he said.
Then all of a sudden, he launched up in the air like a Dragon Ball Z character, straight through the glass roof of the building. It was terrifying but thrilling and beautiful. But I felt a sharp pain in my neck, like I’d been stabbed.
Had the glass shards of the roof cut me? I turned my head to assess any injuries. Of course, I thought to myself. Sure enough, staring back at me from my shoulder—holding on for dear life—was my little white cat.
Saba has announced his worldwide, Back Home Tour. Tickets available at
TWITTER: @sabapivot / @pivotgang
IG: @sabapivot / @pivotgang
The Cave is a bi-weekly freestyle series hosted by Kenny Beats featuring a new artist each episode. One 10 minute beat from Kenny, 16-32 bars from a friend, every other week.
Get sounds from The Cave & your first month of Splice free with promo code “WOAHKENNY” here: on.splice.com/cavexsplice
Shot & Edited by @sirasounds
Animations by @sirasounds + @drewpulig