Uploaded on Apr 16, 2011
This is the “Making Of” HAVE IT YOUR WAY written, and performed by Tommy C. Produced by Adam Ivy. Watch in 1080pHD!!
**This song has been submitted for the Burger King jingle contest. Support Tommy and Myself if you like it!!! Click the LIKE button and share some feedback!! This will help win a chance for Tommy to perform it LIVE on BET’s 106 & Park!!**
Check out the entire video on Tommy’s channel here:
youtube.com/IBUTOMMY and make sure to subscribe to his channel.
You can also follow him on Twitter at: twitter.com/IBUTOMMY
Make sure you check out my beats at: adamivy.com
Follow me at: twitter.com/Adamivy
Thanks for all the support and make sure you check out my brutha Tommy’s music. This is just the beginning!