On this episode of On The Mic we sit down with Archie Beatz and he talks to us about the music industry, how to upgrade your YouTube presence, studio gear and much more!
Visit Archie Beatz’s YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/ArchieBeatz
Visit Archie’s Top Studio Gear https://imp.i114863.net/zQGG0
Visit us now! https://www.keefkeyz.com​​
Free Beats/Ebook/tips https://awfe839.aweberpages.com/p/cc4…​
Purchase/Download Beats https://www.keefkeyz.com​​
Recording gear used https://keefkeyz.com/studio-gear/
Instagram https://instagram.com/keef_keyz​​
Shop KKP Shirts/Hats/Accessories https://shop.keefkeyz.com/