Rich also known as RichLyfestyle, located in the Bay Area California, was always interested in music as a child.
From playing around in bands with his family to playing instruments in school. Music was the one thing Rich grasped onto more than anything.
Around 2003 he started getting into music production, starting off with hardware such as the Korg Triton, and from there he went onto using Fruity Loops Studio.
After finding out that he was blessed with a musical talent he then started producing for a artist from the Bay Area by the name of Mazyar Trulye.
Ever since then Rich has been filled with hunger to make his music dream a reality. Around 2011-2012 Rich joined a production team by the name of Innovative Mindz which included MaL, AK, and Rich.
The three had took a very good run on soundclick, building a name for themselves and also gaining major opportunities in the industry due to major people such as Tony DeNiro.
After the run Innovative Mindz had towards the end of 2012, Rich decided to then take his own route and making his own name, which is when RichLyfestyle was created.
He started his own website, opened a studio and started taking the music industry in a different approached.
Coming to the end of 2013 to 2014 he then ended up joining a new up and coming production team by the name of The Crew who are partnered up with up and coming artist such as Rayven Justice and Molia.
Having a unique sound and always striving to become a better producer everyday and challenges himself to stand out from the crowd and to make the music he wants from his heart and to not be following the crowd.
Production Credits:
-Mazyar Trulye
-Rayven Justice
-Evan Ross
-Clyde Carson
-Yung Berg
-Tony DeNiro
-Tha Jacka
-Rome (Sublime with Rome)
-DJ Rocky Rock
-Feltron Commercial